Thursday, September 4, 2008

Replenishing your soul

Nature is the great healer.
If you are down, lost or just needing mind space, reconnect with Nature. It doesnt matter whether you are in the garden, on a river or in the park just stop and use all your senses to hear, feel, smell and absorb the glory of Mother Nature.
Glass and concrete will not renew your mind or body. Nature will.
From the plant life to all creatures great and small, nature provides us with wonder at every moment we are alive to Her.
Mankind cannot create the magic and wonder of Nature despite our technology and intellect. Look around you and take it all in, the clouds, trees, birds, insects and colour. Feel the breeze, smell the ground and sense the wonder.
Cant make it outside then grow a plant indoors.
Anything to connect with Nature.

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