Sunday, June 22, 2008



My entire day is one continuous affirmation.

I am walking, talking and behaving in a cheerful and positive manner, visualizing and feeling enthusiastic about everything I do.

My mental movies, combined with Emotion, are the previews of My life’s coming attractions. My biggest single job is to exert the self-control, self-mastery and self-discipline needed to keep My words, thoughts and pictures off what I don’t want, and focused squarely on what I do want. Add to this a dash of confident expectations and I’m on My way to a positive mental attitude and happy, satisfying life. I am Happy, Healthy and Wealthy

I am worthy of my Dreams and Goals.

I am Grateful for all that is in my Life.

My Life is filled with excitement and success.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have always been a Dreamer. In more recent times I have made the effort to channel these dreams into goals that can be pursued with a sense of purpose. Never one to write reams and reams of detailed goal steps my process is broader and relies on the Universe to guide me in the right direction.
By having my dream(s) at the forefront of my mind, it is amazing how the right decisions and actions appear. Sometimes they will take you away at right angles to your goal but for a very good reason. It comes down to trust a lot of the time. Trusting that being a good spirit will deliver the outcomes I seek.
Make sure you are a Dreamer. Find the time and space to let you mind create images of what you want your Life to be and achieve. Make sure you have the discipline to make the time. Even ten minutes a day will make a tremendous difference.
Most of the great achievements of mankind have started with a dream.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What are your secrets to living a good life?

This my new blog.
Here we can share our ideas on what we believe are the secrets to living a good Life.
Share your thoughts with the world.