Monday, September 29, 2008

The Secrets to Life: Choices

After years of looking outside 'stuff' that would impact on me and help me get what I wanted in life. it dawned on my not too long ago that I had to look inside. No external event or person was going to take me to where I wanted to be. How I reacted to events determined the outcomes. It was and always will be my choice.
We are all where we are today due to the choices we have made in the past.
It wasnt the weather, the government. our partner or parents and teachers. It was us.
We must choose on how we are to live our lives.
Sometimes we make the wrong choices but always they are our choices. Learn from you past, don't be shackled by it.
To grow as a person we must encounter difficulty and hardship. Some of us are lucky enough to have minimal exposure to grief and loss but regardless of the hurdles life puts in our way we must choose to grow and overcome.
One method to meet Life's challenges is to live a life of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have. If it is little, think of the millions around the world who live a life of desperation and would gladly change places with you.
Its your choice.
"If you want things you have never had, you will have to do things you have never done."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Music feeds the soul

Have you a 'trigger' to fire you up or help to re-focus?
When I am down or need to get pumped, it is music that acts as my trigger.
There are two or three songs that resonate with me to fill my soul and make me positive. I play these whenever I am feeling lost or down.
When there is a need for creativity or sustained thinking, music is playing in the background.
Why not build a library of music that becomes part of your kitbag of tools to help you maintain your balance and zest for Life.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Replenishing your soul

Nature is the great healer.
If you are down, lost or just needing mind space, reconnect with Nature. It doesnt matter whether you are in the garden, on a river or in the park just stop and use all your senses to hear, feel, smell and absorb the glory of Mother Nature.
Glass and concrete will not renew your mind or body. Nature will.
From the plant life to all creatures great and small, nature provides us with wonder at every moment we are alive to Her.
Mankind cannot create the magic and wonder of Nature despite our technology and intellect. Look around you and take it all in, the clouds, trees, birds, insects and colour. Feel the breeze, smell the ground and sense the wonder.
Cant make it outside then grow a plant indoors.
Anything to connect with Nature.