Monday, November 10, 2008

The Power of Inspiration

We have witnessed massive positive reaction around the world to the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the USA.
During his campaign many commentators asked what are his policies and agendas. All his talk was just rhetoric.
Whilst he may not have articulated policies, via his words he deliverd hope. Hope for the future.
The power of his message resonated with people from all walks and life and across the world.
There are times where we need someone to stand up and lead. Not by only by deeds but by words. Words that we can absorb and use to feed our soul and heart.
For when we are inspired, often the way forward is revealed by our own thinking. New ideas spring forward and calls to action are created.
Having excitement and passion for an idea or dream will energise not only you but those you choose to share with.
History has shown great leaders to be great orators. Their words lifted spirits, engergised minds, filled hearts and empowered people to act.
There are times when we need great speeches to lift us up and inspire confidence that there is a future worth embracing.
Whether it is the nation, the workplace or the family, inspirational messages are the spark that ignite postiive actions and change for the better.

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