Thursday, January 1, 2009

Achieving goals for 2009

As you are busy setting goals for 2009 there are two key issues to take note of.

1. How have you packed for your journey?

Look yourself in the mirror and ask the question; “Am I carrying too much baggage?” All too often we get excited about the prospect of achieving goals that have been in our heart and mind but we start the journey with a bag full of past doubts, failures and frustrations.
Spend time to look closely at yourself and make sure there are no self-destruction bombs lurking in your psyche. Forgive all past misdeeds and embrace others with a clear heart and mind before you start writing the ‘to do’ list.
For often it is the past, not the present that prevents us achieving our goals. If you don’t feel worthy of success then no matter how many goals that are set, success won't come your way. Carrying the guilt of previous relationship failures is not a recipe for a new healthy partnership.

2. Will you be a player or a spectator?

Are you going to get your hands dirty or are you writing goals, tasks and to-do’s that will never be tackled?
To achieve what you want, get out of the stands onto the playing field. No matter how much you prepare, no goals will be scored from the outer. Sometimes you will get a little bloodied and bruised but a least you are part of the action which may well bring about the dreams and desires you harbor.
Remember, if you want things you have never had, you will have to do things you have never done.

This year make your major goal to be a better YOU!

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