Thursday, July 3, 2008


Everyday I am filled with a sense of gratitude. To have the opportunity to live a life where I am free to make choices is never taken for granted.
Are you in a state of Gratitude?
I realise there a many who's lives are not what they want and can at times feel crushed but try and step back and think of what you can be grateful for. Even if it is just for the smallest of things. The more you look the more you will find and it will help you move towards a better life.
At the start or end of the day just reflect on what you are grateful for in the day. Something may have gone off the rails but just reflect on the lesson it may have given you.
Try and find a space in nature and look around you. I mean really look around. Soak up the wonders of nature and be grateful for the gift.
The more Gratitude you have in you life the more Life you will have in you.

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