Monday, December 8, 2008
Are you lost
How is it, that at times in our lives we lose where we are and where we are going?
There is no end of ‘experts’ telling us to set goals, stay positive, repeat affirmations, create dream walls, read books and listen to audios of the Masters of Personal Development.
Most of us follow these actions in one form or another.
So why do we fall into the black hole of self-doubt and lack of motivation?
Because we are Human!
Unless you hide in a cave with no human interaction, Life is full of light and shade, positive and negative, joy and sorrow.
Part of our journey is to experience all that Life has to offer. Sometimes we will be scarred by the encounter which can force us into our shells wary of venturing out again. Unfortunately for many, hurt and negativity can reside around them for too long regardless of their age, social status or gender. But Life also delivers the wonders of creation that surrounds us all. We are never cut off from theses wonders as our subconscious is a treasure trove of glittering images and sensations. Even when in a slump of negative emotions and thoughts, unlocking your memory to these gems will help fill your soul and heart with fire needed to move forward.
Acceptance of the circumstances we find ourselves in is a key to maintaining your balance. I don’t mean submission if things are going wrong but accept what is and choose to act in a way to move on or learn from the experience. For as we make choices we become more empowered. Some will be the wrong choice but we have acted. We have planted the seed in our subconscious that grows into a vine strangling the weeds of doubt and negativity.
When you are lost, access something that will stimulate an inner glow. Whether that is a picture of a loved one, a certain piece of music, the love of a pet or the wonder of Nature. Feed your heart and soul. Accept that you are in a place that is only temporary and have faith in yourself to move on and find the spark to light your way again.
Regardless of our circumstances, there is one thing all of us have in common, the right to choose.
We can choose to be crushed, submit, give up or hack a way through the jungle that is in front of us. Sometimes we have to accept the direction we are going has too many obstacles so we need to cut a new path.
It is our choice.
Hanging onto baggage from the past with labels attached that blame others for your circumstances is not only avoiding responsibility for your choices but will create hurdles that will continue to trip you up. How can you move in the direction of your goals and dreams when you are looking in the rear view mirror?
Sometimes things happen which are out of your control. But how did you react to the event? For it is how we events affecting us determine the outcome.
Not the event. Your choices.
It wasn’t the government, your neighbors, the boss or the weather, it was you.
Acceptance of the results from the choices you made will help you grow and cope with further challenges that may come your way.
We all make lousy choices through life but that is just being human. Recognize the mistake and change it by changing how you react to it.
If you are dissatisfied with your life, then make a decision to change your circumstance. It may take days or even years but make a choice!
The very fact you make a decision to change empowers you to achieve more.
Build your toolkit of empowering ‘things’ to draw on when the road gets overgrown and the light dims. For there is nothing surer, Life will throw up challenges that you can’t anticipate so build that suit of armour to survive whatever battles lay ahead.
There is one thing you can guarantee, the more you act the more you will grow. The more you grow the easier it will be to achieve your dreams.
The choice is yours.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Surrender equals Gratitude
I asked Duncan what he had learned from this epic project. He responded with the simple word, "surrender."
To surrender yourself to what the Universe is delivering at any given time. He now sees anyone coming into his life as a gift to be appreciated no matter under what circumstances. The little and big frustrations in his life don't phase him anymore and he is more at peace with himself. This came to him through his encounters with locals in some of the most impovished areas of the world. Although they had little or nothing in the way of possessions, invariably they were happy and welcoming.
They don't carry the baggage, we in the Western world seem to accumulate.
How often do we fight against the tide of events in our lives?
Too often reacting negatively out of instinct instead of letting the trivial wash away or opening our hearts to better cope with the bigger 'challenges'.
To surrender doesn't mean to become subservient but to take control.
Control of who you are.
By focussing on things we can't change or positively influence we close our eyes and minds the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. It is often the small incidents; being cut off in traffic, waiting in a queue, a perceived insult, bad service, bad weather or whatever our overworked subconcious creates that has us overlook the other 'small' things in our life. The wonders of Nature, the smile from a stranger, love of a pet, a word of encouragement or the gift of friendship.
To embrace all these gifts with a sense of Gratitude will help heal the wounds, both mental and physical, that may have been inflicted on you.
Sadly too many in the modernised society rely on 'things' for fulfilment instead of living a life where they are true to themselves which will deliver all the gifts the Universe has to offer.
Each day take the time to do a stocktake on all the things you should be grateful for.
Make a habit of looking for a positive in any situation. Ask yourself "what is the lesson from this?"
The arrows may still come your way but as you evolve into a place of surrender and gratitude, you will the magnet the repels the negative and attracts the positive.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Power of Inspiration
During his campaign many commentators asked what are his policies and agendas. All his talk was just rhetoric.
Whilst he may not have articulated policies, via his words he deliverd hope. Hope for the future.
The power of his message resonated with people from all walks and life and across the world.
There are times where we need someone to stand up and lead. Not by only by deeds but by words. Words that we can absorb and use to feed our soul and heart.
For when we are inspired, often the way forward is revealed by our own thinking. New ideas spring forward and calls to action are created.
Having excitement and passion for an idea or dream will energise not only you but those you choose to share with.
History has shown great leaders to be great orators. Their words lifted spirits, engergised minds, filled hearts and empowered people to act.
There are times when we need great speeches to lift us up and inspire confidence that there is a future worth embracing.
Whether it is the nation, the workplace or the family, inspirational messages are the spark that ignite postiive actions and change for the better.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Law of Attraction
Does this work?
What is this mystical 'universe' that it can deliver our dreams and goals?
I have a theory.
The universe is your brain. Through our journey in Life, we encounter millions of sights, sounds, smells, touches, emotions and sensations many of which we are unconscious of. All of these are stored in our sub conscious.
When you focus on a dream or goal that message does the rounds of your brain and without you knowing, connects to the past and lights a fuse. This fuse connects the dots that starts the process of you becoming conscious of ideas, emotions and desire that respond to your message.
You become aware without releasing what has but that thought in your head. Your hear and sense events that before would slide by. Conversations take on a new meaning and words ignite new thought.
This is why it is so important to continually feed the mind with knowledge coupled with the response delivered from your senses. It is this wonderful 'machine' that will deliver the answers to your dreams not a nebulas entity.
The Universe is within you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Secrets to Life: Choices
We are all where we are today due to the choices we have made in the past.
It wasnt the weather, the government. our partner or parents and teachers. It was us.
We must choose on how we are to live our lives.
Sometimes we make the wrong choices but always they are our choices. Learn from you past, don't be shackled by it.
To grow as a person we must encounter difficulty and hardship. Some of us are lucky enough to have minimal exposure to grief and loss but regardless of the hurdles life puts in our way we must choose to grow and overcome.
One method to meet Life's challenges is to live a life of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have. If it is little, think of the millions around the world who live a life of desperation and would gladly change places with you.
Its your choice.
"If you want things you have never had, you will have to do things you have never done."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Music feeds the soul
When I am down or need to get pumped, it is music that acts as my trigger.
There are two or three songs that resonate with me to fill my soul and make me positive. I play these whenever I am feeling lost or down.
When there is a need for creativity or sustained thinking, music is playing in the background.
Why not build a library of music that becomes part of your kitbag of tools to help you maintain your balance and zest for Life.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Replenishing your soul
Nature is the great healer.
If you are down, lost or just needing mind space, reconnect with Nature. It doesnt matter whether you are in the garden, on a river or in the park just stop and use all your senses to hear, feel, smell and absorb the glory of Mother Nature.
Glass and concrete will not renew your mind or body. Nature will.
From the plant life to all creatures great and small, nature provides us with wonder at every moment we are alive to Her.
Mankind cannot create the magic and wonder of Nature despite our technology and intellect. Look around you and take it all in, the clouds, trees, birds, insects and colour. Feel the breeze, smell the ground and sense the wonder.
Cant make it outside then grow a plant indoors.
Anything to connect with Nature.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Know Yourself
The only way to get what you really want,
is to know what you really want.
And the only way to know what you really want,
is to know yourself.
And the only way to know yourself,
is to be yourself.
And the only way to be yourself,
is to listen to your heart.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Live Life
Isn't Life Glorious! Isn't it Grand!
Reach up – Take it –
Hold it tight in your hand.
Squeeze every drop of it into your Soul.
Drink the Joy of it, sun-sweet and whole.
Laugh with the Love of it. Burst into song.
Scatter its richness as you stride along.
Isn't Life Splendid and isn't it Great,
Reach up – Reach out, it’s never too late!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Love yourself
Love yourself.
Not be in love with yourself but appreciate all your gifts and place in the Universe.
The more you can have love in you the more love you can give and this can only come about when you can look in the mirror and like who you see.
We all have rough edges but that is what makes up our character and defines us as individuals.
With any win or loss in our life, each should be viewed as building block in who we are and who we wish to become.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Socrates Triple Filter
"Triple Filter?"
"That's right," Socrates continued. "before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're are going to say. That's why I call it the Triple filter test.
The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutley sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"
"No," the man said, "Actually I just heard about it and...". All right," said Socrates.
"So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?" "No, on the contrary..." "So," Socrates continued, "You want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it's true. You may still pass the test thought, because there's one filter left; the filter of usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?" "No , not really." "Well," concluded Socrates, "If what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Are you in a state of Gratitude?
I realise there a many who's lives are not what they want and can at times feel crushed but try and step back and think of what you can be grateful for. Even if it is just for the smallest of things. The more you look the more you will find and it will help you move towards a better life.
At the start or end of the day just reflect on what you are grateful for in the day. Something may have gone off the rails but just reflect on the lesson it may have given you.
Try and find a space in nature and look around you. I mean really look around. Soak up the wonders of nature and be grateful for the gift.
The more Gratitude you have in you life the more Life you will have in you.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My entire day is one continuous affirmation.
I am walking, talking and behaving in a cheerful and positive manner, visualizing and feeling enthusiastic about everything I do.
My mental movies, combined with Emotion, are the previews of My life’s coming attractions. My biggest single job is to exert the self-control, self-mastery and self-discipline needed to keep My words, thoughts and pictures off what I don’t want, and focused squarely on what I do want. Add to this a dash of confident expectations and I’m on My way to a positive mental attitude and happy, satisfying life. I am Happy, Healthy and Wealthy
I am worthy of my Dreams and Goals.
I am Grateful for all that is in my Life.
My Life is filled with excitement and success.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I have always been a Dreamer. In more recent times I have made the effort to channel these dreams into goals that can be pursued with a sense of purpose. Never one to write reams and reams of detailed goal steps my process is broader and relies on the Universe to guide me in the right direction.
By having my dream(s) at the forefront of my mind, it is amazing how the right decisions and actions appear. Sometimes they will take you away at right angles to your goal but for a very good reason. It comes down to trust a lot of the time. Trusting that being a good spirit will deliver the outcomes I seek.
Make sure you are a Dreamer. Find the time and space to let you mind create images of what you want your Life to be and achieve. Make sure you have the discipline to make the time. Even ten minutes a day will make a tremendous difference.
Most of the great achievements of mankind have started with a dream.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What are your secrets to living a good life?
Here we can share our ideas on what we believe are the secrets to living a good Life.
Share your thoughts with the world.
Monday, March 3, 2008
India update
A quick update.
We visited Rathanbore Tiger sanctuary yesterday and within minutes of entering the park a female was sighted and we managed to close on her and have a ringside view of her for the next forty minutes. It is very rare, according to the guides for a tiger to be seen on a first visit. This town is so different from the rural area we operate in. There are many up market hotels and even Helipads for the well heeled visitor.
My trip has delivered two outcomes that I really wanted; the Taj Mahal and sighting a Tiger in the wild.
Over the next four days before I fly out I hope my other outcome, being of value to the local community will be fulfilled.
We are a little stressed about being able to complete the classroom we have started in by the time we go home. Given that most of the Teachers are of little support we can only hope that the children will get something out of our efforts.
As it has been since landing in
Idex have a program in Himachal that some of the local team here come from and it provides a complete contrast being at the base of the
More later when we have internet access.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
India Trip
Into my first week in
I was warned about the crowds and noise but nothing can prepare you for the experience.
To consider
A complete contrast to this is the utter magnificence of the Taj Mahal which simply takes your breath away. Whatever happens on this trip the morning I spent at this wonder is totally satisfying.
We are located in a camp just outside a small village called Latsol which is down the road from Dhusra which is about an hour from Jaipur. It is so barren with very few trees and plenty of sand/dirt.
Our team is working in a local school beautifying classrooms. The children are just beautiful with the curiosity and beaming smiles. Every one of them asks, ‘what’s your name, where are you from.’
We went to the local market and could hardly move as we were the centre of attention with crowds surrounding us all the time we were there. The women in the group really attract a lot of attention and I feel sorry for them.
This trip has made me appreciate everything I have in my life and be grateful for even the smallest of gifts that I have. From the beggars living on the side of roads to the children sitting on bare floors in the schools every image I have of India makes me realize life cant be taken for granted.
When I leave at the end of next week my life will not be the same.
Monday, February 18, 2008
My personal journey
This is going to take me so far out of my normal lifestyle which is making me very excited.
Hopefully I can contribute to the villages lives in some way but most importantly it will give me the opportunity to see first hand what their needs are. From there I can make a difference by spreading the word to educate others.
My belief is we must always seek to grow as individuals and one way of doing that is to move out of your comfort zone.
I will keep this post going with words and images.